We’d love you to join us!


Chiltern u3a members have been learning, staying active and having fun for 25 years - experiencing what it means to have a positive later life.

We draw upon our knowledge and experience to teach and learn from each other for pleasure - learning is its own reward; and it's all voluntary, local, social, friendly and low cost. Join Cu3a and make the most out of life.

u3a is a good way of making friends and meeting people. By joining an interest or activity group that interests you, you know that you're meeting people with a shared interest.

Once a month you will also be invited to an open members' General Meeting with a speaker, followed by tea, coffee and biscuits, and a chance to get to know yet more Cu3a members.

Take a look at our Groups and Events pages to find out more. You would find plenty to do should you join us now - and if the activity that you would like to join doesn't exist, we can help you to start your own interest group.

The subscription to join Chiltern u3a is £29.00 per member if you pay by bank transfer, or £29.60 if you pay by cheque. This covers Membership until 31 March 2026. (Members on Pension Credits are entitled to a reduced subscription and should contact the Membership Secretary, at u3amembership@chiltern-u3a.org.uk, in confidence, in that connection.)

Please complete the application form below in full (fields marked with an asterisk are required fields) then click on Submit Membership Request. 


* Title:
(Please Select)
* First Name:
Known As:
* Surname:
* Year Of Birth:
Open the calendar popup.

[For Statistical Purposes Only]


Is your spouse/partner a member of Chiltern u3a?:
If YES partner's name:
Are you a member of another u3a?:
How did you hear about Cu3a?:
Another Member

[Please select from the drop down list]

Gift Aid Declaration

Please say YES to this Gift Aid declaration if you are eligible; it will cost you nothing but save us money.

 “I want the charity to treat all donations and subscription fees that I make from the date of this declaration, until I notify you otherwise, as Gift Aid donations.” 

I understand that I must be a UK taxpayer and pay sufficient Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax to cover the Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in each tax year, failing which it is my responsibility to pay any difference.  If my circumstances change so this is no longer true, or I wish to cancel this Declaration at any time, I will notify the Membership Secretary.

Gift Aid Signature Date:
Open the calendar popup.


Landline Phone:
Mobile Phone:
Preferred Phone:


* Address 1:
Address 2:
Address 3:
* Postcode:

Emergency Contacts

[We ask for your Emergency Contact Details so that the Convenors of any Groups that you join will be able to help if you become unwell at a meeting. You can include more than one contact but make sure one is local.]

Contact Name:
Contact Relationship:
Contact Phone Number:

Data Protection (GDPR)

We will only use your personal information within, and for the purposes of, the u3a. However, it will be sent outside to the companies which distribute our quarterly newsletters and, if you choose to receive it, the National Office’s magazine Third Age Matters. It will also go to the company managing our membership system and, if relevant, Gift Aid data will be sent to HMRC. You may view and update your personal information at any time.
The complete GDPR policy documents are on the Members' page of our website and may be obtained from the Secretary.

Tell us about you

Cu3a is run by the members for the members and you may have skills, experience and interests to offer.
We look forward to getting to know you. Tell us about yourself in the box below.