Join usYou can apply for membership by clicking the "Join us" button on the left

Or you can email

You can also write to:

Cu3a Membership Secretary
c/o Amersham & District Community Association
Chiltern Lifestyle Centre, Chiltern Avenue, Amersham HP6 5AH

You can contact our officers by email as follows:

For membership enquiries:
For general enquiries:
To contact the Chair:
To contact the Secretary:
To suggest a speaker for a general meeting, or to offer to speak:
If you have any problems with the website please email:

or you can write to:

Chiltern u3a
c/o Amersham & District Community Association
Chiltern Lifestyle Centre, Chiltern Avenue, Amersham HP6 5AH

Data Protection and your privacy

Members’ data are not sent outside the U3A except for the distribution of its own Newsletter and the National Office Magazine, and the operation of the out-sourced membership system. Gift Aid data are also sent to HMRC.

We hold personal information about members - name, address, telephone number, email address and next of kin emergency contact details. Click the links below to see the relevant policies about how we protect this information.

Since the u3a has adopted “Legitimate Interest” as its justification for holding members’ data, it does not require specific consent for this purpose, so the corresponding requirement will no longer appear on membership application and renewal forms.
At any time, members may ask to see the data held, and to correct it and have their data deleted, as far as legally possible, by contacting the Membership Secretary at, or by writing to Cu3a Membership Secretary, c/o Amersham & District Community Association, Chiltern Lifestyle Centre, Chiltern Avenue, Amersham HP6 5AH